These are a bunch of my personal travel blogs from over the years. Please see the gleeee website for more recent family travel blogs.

5 weeks to hike solo across the entire state of washington? I’m game!
my most recent travel blogs are all on the gleeee family website

my last parting act for Intel — train up a design team in Shanghai
a solo trip with REI to the beautiful Torres del Paine park

fondue, mountains, history … what took me so long to get there?
three trips in three years made for three times the fun

a spiritual trip to La Paz to recenter myself and set a new course in life
a homecoming and a reunion with scenery that can’t be beat

a bonafide boondoggle trip to China for the intel play toylab
a fairy-tale wedding, my personal mecca, and a daring boat ride in the north seas – Ireland packed a hell of a trip

a summer trip on a whim with a new car
there is something about Glacier that feels like home – this is the 2nd of many future visits to the best park in the USA

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