QuestNet FAQ

The QuestNet FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) Page attempts to address common questions broached about the Question Network. Unfortunately, this FAQ suggests a level of formality to QuestNet which I do not want, but nevertheless, presents an easy way to answer commonly asked questions. The FAQ can be found below.

Also, keep in mind that if you have any hesitancies, questions, complaints, or suggestions, please do not hesitate to mail me at I thanks for your interest in QuestNet, and may your never stop questioning!

  1. What is the Question Network?
    How often are the questions posed?

  2. What is your intention in asking these questions?
  3. How private are the responses I send to you?
  4. Tell me about the QuestNet web site.
  5. How can I get the questions sent to me via Email?
    Why did I receive a monthly mailing?
    How can I signon/signoff?

  6. What about your own responses to your questions, Geoff?
  7. How do you come up with the questions?
    Can I make suggestions?

  8. In one of the QuestNet questions, can you clarify ...


What is the Question Network?
How often are the questions posed?

The Question Network (QuestNet for short) is a very informal, loose assembly of people that share a common desire to examine life beyond the daily mundanity. QuestNet centers around two thought provoking questions posed periodically to all QuestNet members. The questions are also posted on the QuestNet web page for additional input.

The questions tend to be delve beyond the ordinary, but range in actual subject across many disciplines. Typically one question is of a more objective, analytical view of existence, while the other asks a more personal, emotional question. I also try to link the two questions with a common bond.

I try to mail out questions every few months. Do not set your watch to their frequency however, as likely I will get behind every now and then.

People can then send their responses to my questions back to me via Email or the web page. If you explicitly allow me to, I will post your response on the web site (and possibly to the email list) to share with others and hopefully instigate further thought.

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What is your intention in asking these questions?

My intentions in creating the Question Network are threefold. First and foremost, it is simply my hope that the Question Network will stimulate thought and reflection, both within myself and within others. If I caused a person to pause for just a moment in reflection (especially if they were to murmur an audible "hmmm"!), then QuestNet will have succeeded -- even if the reader did not directly respond to QuestNet.

The second intention is to force myself to exercise my own mind. Organizing the questions and reading the various responses will help keep me mentally active, and task -- like just about any exercise -- requires a fair amount of determination to sustain it.

Finally, it is my hopes QuestNet can act as a forum for interesting, albeit moderated, discussion of interesting topics. Currently, any sharing of responses is purely through the web sites and my question response summaries. In the future, depending on significant enough response to QuestNet, I hope to expand out into a more interactive environment.

And of course, QuestNet also helps to feed that voracious hunger of mine to know the minds of others.

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How private are the responses I send to you?

The confidentiality of your response is of the utmost importance. The questions can enter fairly private opinions that may only be given under the strictest of confidence. It is my hope that I can foster such a level of understanding, that one will not feel a need to censor any responses submitted.

Thus, let me make it absolutely clear that any response that you send me is strictly confidential between us and will not be shared with anyone without your explicit permission.

With each question whether or not I can post your response on the Web for others to read. If you agree to having your response made public, I offer several possibilities: anonymously, with your name, or with your name and email address. If you ever do not specify, I will consider it completely private and not publish it at all.

It is also my hope that I can continue with discussion of these questions individually with anyone interested beyond the first initial response.

I also would like to stress that I perfectly understand if you do not wish to respond to the questions to me. Some questions can be quite drilling in their personal nature. Again, my primary goal is to instigate thought, so if you think about the questions for even just an hour and then never send back a reply, I'd be very happy!

Finally, if you do decide to answer a question only halfway because of personal reasons or otherwise, please tell me so that I know that there is more thought not spoken of. Also, please do not feel like you need to answer both questions -- one is fine!

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Tell me about the QuestNet web site.

The website can be found at At the site you can respond to the current or previous questions, join or leave the QuestNet Email list, and browse other people's responses to the questions. (Browsing other people's responses is currently not available).

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How can I get the questions sent to me via Email?
Why did I receive a monthly mailing?
How can I signon/signoff?

Remembering to check the web page every few months can be difficult. Therefore I also offer the ability to receive the current QuestNet questions via E-mail. To receive the QuestNet questions via email (or to stop receiving the periodic questions), simply either or use the QuestNet Web Site..

If you received a QuestNet message unsolicited then you likely were some significant influence or acquaintance in my life! ;-) I've racked my brains on all the most interesting people I have met in my life, all the people I can think of whose opinion I greatly respect, and put them on this list.

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What about your own responses to your questions, Geoff?

I make my responses to the questions available via the web, usually just before sending out the following month's questions. I delay in making my response available simply to avoid biasing any readers to a possible interpretation of the question.

If it appears people would like to see my responses via email, I am willing to send them out with the next month's questions as well.

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How do you come up with the questions?
Can I make suggestions?

The questions arise from various discussions and readings, everything from bathroom wall conjectures to Sartre to old high school english papers to talks we've all had at 2:00 AM.

I am always thirsting for more probing questions that cut through to the core of one's perception of life and existence. Please do not hesitate to send them to me! ;-) If you like, I will credit you!

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In one of the QuestNet questions, can you clarify ...

People often ask for clarification on a question. My typical response is to say "what do you take it to mean?" The main reason for this is to avoid semantic ratholes. I've seen many a good conversation ruined by "What is your definition of <place your abstract idea here>?", when the actual meaning of the word has at least an 80% overlap in definition between everyone.

Therefore, simply assume your own definition of that abstract idea. If your own version is sufficiently different from the norm, feel free to elaborate or clarify! ;-)

And if the question is unclear, feel free to make any assumptions you need to make it clear. Hopefully, my question is verbose enough to avoid any need for clarification in the first place.

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